Helping Practice Plus Group support NHS net-zero ambitions

Discover how we supported Practice Plus Group in leading the charge towards a sustainable healthcare future, setting the standard for environmental responsibility and corporate leadership.

Team Clarity
January 6, 2023
2 Mins
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Team Clarity

Practice Plus Group's commitment to environmental responsibility has not only supported the NHS's ambitious goal of becoming the world's first net-zero health service but has also set a remarkable example in sustainability.

By acknowledging their role in reducing supply chain emissions, Practice Plus Group took proactive steps to align their operations with their values.

Their partnership with us led to the creation of our Travel Carbon compensate proposition, which not only incentivised employees but also offered a tangible solution to compensate for essential emissions through tree planting. This comprehensive programme, executed in five simple steps, ensured transparency and adherence to international standards.

Going beyond current emissions, Practice Plus Group addressed historic emissions, particularly focusing on car mileage. Through the recommendation of the 'Legacy Forest' reforestation project in Haiti, they maximised their environmental and social impact, supporting communities in need.

Their enthusiasm for sustainability extended to their employees through the Employee Personal Carbon compensate Scheme, demonstrating a holistic approach to reducing carbon footprints. The results speak volumes: within nine months,17,016 trees were planted, including the establishment of the first legacy forest in Haiti, and 2,792t CO₂e were compensated.

As Practice Plus Group continues their journey towards net-zero by 2030, their dedication to environmental stewardship serves as an inspiration to others. With innovative initiatives and unwavering commitment, they are paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

“Achieving net-zero is an important target for all of us here at Practice Plus Group. We’ve worked hard to reduce the need for business travel, but given the scope, scale and spread of our services, some travel will always be necessary. We were excited to hear about Trees4Travel and their new partnership with Clarity. We were able to choose a project with the maximum environmental and social impact, and to underline our commitment we decided to compensate our current travel as well as a very significant amount of historic travel. This allowed us to create an immediate impact, and I am pleased to share that together we have already planted over 17,000 saplings in Haiti.   By opening the scheme up to our employees we’ve given them the opportunity to compensate their own personal travel by adding to our Practice Plus Group forest. Taking action like this is important and urgent. We didn’t want to wait for another two or three years before taking active steps to play our part in the drive to net-zero. I’m looking forward to seeing our legacy forest continue to expand both outwards and of course upwards.”

Practice Plus Group

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